Sunday, March 11, 2007

Communiqué de presse
Congrès Rwandais du Canada (CRC)
Mensonges et manipulations autour du génocide rwandais
Le Congrès Rwandais du Canada a lu avec intérêt le papier paru dans la Presse de Montréal sur le "négationnisme présumé de M. Robin Philpot" et trouve dommage que des manipulateurs qui veulent s'attribuer à eux seuls le titre de "victimes" du génocide rwandais continuent à en faire un fond de commerce pour Dieu seul sait quelle raison et viennent perturber la campagne électorale du Québec!

Il est connu que dans toutes les tragédies humaines, la vérité est souvent la victime oubliée. Le génocide rwandais n’échappe pas à cette règle. Le livre de Robin Philpot, lequel n’a jamais nié le génocide rwandais, a le mérite de poser des questions qui dérangent l’ONU et certains pays occidentaux qui se sont impliqués au Rwanda au cours de cette période. Son livre plaide pour une compassion collective pour qu’on reconnaisse que le génocide rwandais a fait des milliers de victimes non seulement du côté des tutsi mais aussi parmi les hutus. Le livre de Joshua Ruzibiza[1], ancien collaborateur de Kagame vient de conforter de façon éclatante les thèses de Robin Philpot.

En effet nombreux sont des Québécoises et des Québécois d'origine rwandaise qui, ont échappé à la folie meurtrière du Front Patriotique Rwandais, aujourd’hui au pouvoir au Rwanda. Au nord est notamment ces hommes et femmes ont fui devant la machine à tuer du FPR depuis le 1er Octobre 1990, et après avoir laissé sur le carreau plusieurs membres de leurs familles, ils étaient près d'un million à être entassés dans un camp de fortune aux portes de la ville de Kigali depuis mars 1993. Il y avait plus 100 décès par jour dans ce camp de fortune au début de l’année 1994. Est-ce que l’abbé Kabayiza pourrait reconnaître que ceux parmi ces malheureux qui ont réussi à s’en sortir en 1994, sont eux aussi des victimes du génocide rwandais? Aujourd’hui bon nombre de rwandais s’accordent sur le fait qu’il faut tout faire pour éviter qu’un tel drame ne puisse se reproduire un jour.

Ceux qui se donnent la peine de vérifier les faits, savent qu’après l’assassinat du président d’alors, le 6 avril 1994, l’ex-rebelle Paul Kagame a ordonné à ses hommes de rouvrir les hostilités sur tous les fronts pour prendre le pouvoir par les armes; ceci était en effet l’unique objectif de son mouvement. Selon plusieurs témoins privilégiés membres de l’armée de Kagame, ce dernier aura accompli son forfait en sacrifiant ceux qui étaient perçus comme les complices des agresseurs, toutes ethnies confondues, et qui étaient pourchassés par les milices chauffées à blanc par la peur et la haine. Les mêmes témoins racontent comment de leur côté, les rebelles du Front Patriotique Rwandais rivalisaient d’atrocités avec les miliciens dans toutes les zones conquises par la rébellion. Quelques uns de ces témoignages peuvent être retrouvés dans l’émission « Zone libre » de Radio Canada du 19 avril 2006, à la suite d’une enquête menée pendant deux ans par le journaliste Raymond St-Pierre. Rappelons qu’à l’issue de la diffusion de cette enquête, les mêmes démagogues ont taxé le journalisme de faire la promotion du négationnisme du génocide rwandais. Il faut remarquer que parmi tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la tragédie rwandaise, ceux qui ont dénoncé la part de responsabilité du FPR dans le génocide ont été affublés de qualificatifs négationnistes, révisionnistes, interahamwe, etc. Parmi ceux-ci on peut citer le Prof. belge Filip Reyntjens, le héros du film Hôtel Rwanda, M. Paul Rusesabagina, qui a sauvé plus de 1200 rescapés du génocide à l’Hôtel des Milles Collines, le journaliste d’investigation Pierre Péan, l’essayiste québécois Robin Philpot, l’historienne américaine Alison Desforges, les profs Christian Davenport de l’Université du Maryland[2], et j’en passe. Aujourd’hui même à Arusha, devant le Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda, madame Desforges a affirmé que l’attentat contre l’avion de l’ancien président du Rwanda faisait bel et bien partie du mandat de ce tribunal; ce que Kigali et ses suppôts, dont les démagogues en question ici, réfutent énergiquement.

Depuis que l’enquête du juge anti-terroriste français Jean-Louis Bruguière a conclu en novembre 2006, après huit années d’investigations, que ce sont Kagame et ses proches qui ont organisé et exécuté cet attentat dans le but de provoquer le chaos et en profiter pour se saisir du pouvoir, les démagogues du FPR s’agitent car ils savent qu’ils ont acquis le pouvoir sur base de manipulation de l’opinion internationale en tenant pour responsable de la tragédie rwandaise la communauté internationale qui n’a pas voulu intervenir. Toute cette manipulation vise constamment à faire échec à toute tentative de vouloir en savoir plus sur la genèse du génocide rwandais. Pourtant le CRC croit que c’est un exercice nécessaire qui permettrait d’éviter que plus jamais un génocide ne puisse se reproduire dans ce petit pays africain et partout ailleurs dans le monde.

Il est affligeant de constater que le génocide rwandais est devenu un véritable fond de commerce et une arme imparable pour le pouvoir en place à Kigali. Tout opposant réel ou imaginaire est qualifié de génocidaire, de négationniste, de révisioniste et tous les « istes » de cet accabit. A la lumière de tous ces faits « nouveaux » pour certains, on est en droit de dire que définitivement « ça ne s’est pas passé comme ça à Kigali! »

Congrès Rwandais du Canada (CRC)
Pierre-Claver Nkinamubanzi, Ph.D., Président
The International Strategic Studies Association

PO Box 20407, Alexandria, Virginia 22320, United States of America.

Telephone (703) 548-1070. Facsimile (703) 684-7476. E-mail : Website :

The following is the authorized translation of the Declaration by ISSA adviser and consultant Jean-Pierre Mugabe

Declaration on the Shooting Down of the Aircraft Carrying Rwandan President Juvénal Habyalimina and Burundi President Cyprien Ntaryamira on April 6, 1994

April 21, 2000


o All Rwandans, UN, OAU, International Tribunal,
o Countries: Tanzania, Ouganda, Burundi, Belgium, France, Holland, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada.
o Human Rights Organizations.
o The Press and Media.



o Former Director of the Rwandese newspaper, Le Tribun du Peuple.
o Former Intelligence Officer of the Department G2 of National Gendarmerie (Rwandan Patriotic Army).
o Graduate Expert Detective (Belgium).
o Currently Consultant and Research Fellow at International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), Washington DC, USA.


Major-General Paul KAGAME

Maj.-Gen. Paul Kagame is the son of Rutagambwa and Siteriya and comes from Gitisi and Nyamagana near Ruhango (GITARAMA). He studied primary school in Uganda and finished four years of Secondary school at Ntare school in Mbarara (Uganda). He became a Major in the Ugandan National Resistance Army with the function of Deputy Chief of the Ugandan Directorate of Military Intelligence.

He subsequently became Vice-President of Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and Commander-in-Chief of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA). He became Vice-President of the Republic of Rwanda and its Minister of Defense.

He is now nominated to be President of the Republic of Rwanda, and was scheduled to be confirmed in that office on April 22, 2000.

Colonel James KABAREBE.

Colonel James Kabarebe was the private Secretary and aide-de-camp (ADC) of Major-General Paul Kagame [see above]. He became Commander of the High Command Unit at Mulindi. Later, this Unit became the Republican Guard under his leadership.

James Kabarebe was the Commander-in-Chief of the Congolese Army Forces (FAC) after Mzee Laurent Desiré Kabila took power in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 1997. Soon after, James took the control of forces determined to overthrow Mzee Kabila. He is now the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA).

Lieutenant-Colonel Charles KAYONGA

Lt.-Col. Charles Kayonga was chief in charge of the Operations Unit of High Commmand Unit at Mulindi ó at that time with the rank of lieutenant ó from December 1993 until July 1, 1994. From lieutenant, he was promoted directly to the rank of lieutentant-colonel and given the command of the RPA battalion sent to Kigali to what is now the National Assembly (then the NDC: National Development Council) after the signing of the Arusha Accords. Kayonga had under his command more than 3,200 RPA troops, wearing civilian clothes, who clandestinely entered into the city of Kigali.


Both the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and the Habyalimana Government were preparing for war while engaged in the Arusha Peace Process.

Preparations on the side of Habyalimana's Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR):

The Rwandan Government was heavily involved during 1993 in buying military equipment: arms and ammunition. This is shown by the funds of 2.5-billion Rwandese francs, paid to Dominique Lemaunier, a French businessman, who was supposed to deliver the equipment. It was Marc RUGENERA, by then Finance Minister, who signed the contract for the purchases on the Government side. The deal was followed up by Lt.- Col. Kayumba Cyprien of the FAR (Rwandan Armed Forces).

In March 1994, arms purchased in Egypt and sent to Kigali by a British aircraft were distributed to the Interahamwe militia of Pres. Habyalimana's political party, the MRND. These Interahamwe militia units were being trained militarily and receiving arms and ammunition specifically to undertake a genocidal assault against the nation's Tutsi population. They also planned a massacre of some political opposition leaders, including those who happened to be moderate Hutu. At the same time the Interahamwe were recruiting, with their numbers growing to 50,000. Army [FAR] Reservists, too, were given instructions to train the Interahamwe. All prefectures of Rwanda received funds from the Government, to distribute to the Interahamwe.

President Habyalimana in 1993, meanwhile, deliberately delayed the implementation of the Arusha Peace Accords, in order to allow more time for his Army units and militias to prepare for the coming mass destruction.

Radio Television of Mille Collines (RTLM) was strengthed in human and financial terms from the Akazu [clan, support base] of Habyalimana, specifically to propagate ethnic hatred against the Tutsi and to mobilize all Hutu extremists favoring the genocide against the Tutsi population.


During and after the signing of the Arusha Peace Accords, the Rwandan Patriotic Front was preparing for the final battle. After the signature by both sides involved in the conflict, [then] Major [now Major-General] Paul Kagame started visiting all Unit Commands under the areas controlled by RPF. He met with us (Rwandan Patriotic Army soldiers) and assured us that we should not believe at all in Arusha Peace Accords.

"Be ready with your military equipment, we are going to fight for the final war against the Kigali Government," Major Paul Kagame told the RPF troops.

Thereafter, the military forces in different units received intensive training in Karama, a political-military center in Byumba prefecture. In addition, the nominally-civilian cadres of RPF also received some military and political training in Karama to support the RPA. When the RPF had sent its RPA battalion of 600 troops to Kigali under command of Lt.-Col. Charles Kayonga, other military units in civilian clothes also infiltrated the town of Kigali. Every time that RPF trucks came to our headquater in Mulindi to load military supplies and firewood to be sent to the battalion in Kigali (at the CND, where the RPA battalion was based), arms and ammunition were also loaded, concealed among the supplies which were legitimately supposed to reach Kigali.

Heavy arms, including light artillery (such as mortars), were disassembled, before being loaded and later re-assembled upon arrival at the CND building.

The RPA officer in charge of that secret operation at Mulindi was Sub.-Lt. Moses of the High Command unit and Captain Charles Karamba of the DMI was based in CND building, orchestrating events from that end.

Captain Charles was the liaison officer between Mulindi and Kigali for that operation.

He was later appointed military attaché in Eritrea, where he has the particular mission of buying arms and military equipments for the RPF. A day before the genocide started, there were 4,000 RPA troops in Kigali. The RPF's high-ranking officers in Kigali under MINUAR [United Nations International Monitoring Unit in Rwanda] were there to survey the preparations of the then-Government Army.

RPF officials tried at their best to convince other opposition political parties to address the Rwandan crises by eliminating President Habyalimana. Pres. Habyalimana has been reported as the key person who brought disaster to the country and the person who delayed the implementation of the Arusha Peace Accord. There were, however, other factors. The main political parties, the MDR and PSD, were reluctant to support the RPF proposal in the belief that the RPF itself would not respect the Arusha Peace Accord.

Gatabazi Felicien, the incumbent Secretary-General of PSD (Partie Socialiste Democrat), was killed by RPF gunmen while entering his compound in Kigali in February 1994, because he had opposed the RPF plan. The killers used a known and standard RPF method called "standing up".

The RPF held a meeting between February and March 1994 at Mulindi with RPF-member businessmen, the sponsors of RPF's guerilla operations. Major-General Paul Kagame, closing that meeting , spoke about the Arusha Peace Accord, accusing Habyalimana of delaying its imprimantation. A businessman named Kalinda Sweet Bread (who subsequently fled Rwanda in 1998 after the RPA killed his child), speaking on behalf of other RPF members, declared that the Arusha Peace Accord delayed the RPF program and that this would cost a lot of money which they would not be capable of providing in the coming days. Major-General Kagame asked for solutions. Kalinda responded that the real solution was to re-attack the Rwandan Government. That proposal was well-received by other businessmen and Kagame did not oppose it.


It was clear that if the Arusha Peace Accord was to be implemented then both the Habyalimina Administration and the RPF would face possibly insurmountable difficulties. The extent of the corruption by the incumbent Hutu Government of Pres. Habyalimana meant that, if the Accords were to be implemented, senior officials, including the President, would be open to charges of corruption and abuse of power, including the many political murders which they had undertaken. Maj.-Gen. Kagame, for his part, recognized that, because the Arusha Accords called for one-man, one-vote, the Tutsi minority ó which the RPF in large part represented ó could not win outright power at any stage. [It was well-known that elections would not favor the RPF because Hutu power cores of the MRND, MDR, CDR, PSD and PL parties were composed mostly of Hutu.] As a result, both leaders, for different reasons, knew that implementation of the Arusha Accords was not acceptable, despite public posturing to the contrary.

Generals Habyalimana and Kagame were known, therefore, to believe that the power sharing was weakening both sides. The Arusha Accords were becoming increasingly meaningless to both of them, but they were required, for domestic as well as international reasons, to continue paying lip-service to the process.

Maj.-Gen. Kagame at this stage was clearly committed, therefore, to continuing the guerilla war against the Habyalimana, up to and including the assassination of the President. It has become clear that, in this process, Maj.-Gen. Kagame was aware of the fact that killing Pres. Habyalimana would initiate mass destruction and genocide. RPF officers, such as myself, were told in 1993 by the RPF leadership that intelligence reports indicated that Pres. Habyalimana's Hutu followers would begin a campaign to kill all Tutsis in the event that Kagame attempted to sieze power. This intelligence was leaked to the exiled King of Rwanda, King Kigeli V, by his supporters within the RPF, and the King subsequently used the information to issue written warnings to the United States Government and the United Nations that a campaign of genocide was expected. These warnings are now a matter of public record.

It is understood that Pres. Habyalimana confirmed these warnings in separate messages to the King.

As an intelligence officer, I knew that Maj.-Gen. Kagame was well-informed of the fact that Pres. Habyalimana's Presidential Guard and Interahamwe militia were trained and armed to eliminate Tutsi groups in case Paul Kagame attempted to take power. He knew very well that almost all Tutsi were registered on the list of those who had to be exterminated. Militia Interahamwe units were deployed throughout the country, waiting to kill all Tutsi inside Rwanda.

The RPF's clandestine broadcasting unit, Radio Muhabura, consistently and openly broadcast at the time details of the Interahamwe's plans for attacks on Tutsis.

The following examples demonstrate that extent of that situation:

Gatabazi Felicien, noted above, was assassinated by the RPF because he had refused to endorse the plan to kill Habyalimana. The RPF had been afraid that he might reveal the plans to Habyalimana who was a close associate in an arms business which weapons supplied to Palipehutu, a criminal-extremist Hutu group in Burundi, and through Mr Minani, who was at that time a Burundian Minister. The transit store of those arms was a company called Mimosa, a travel company located behind St. Andrews College at Nyamirambo, a suburb of Kigali. Mimosa belonged to Mbarushimana Antoine, a close friend to Gatabazi. Mbarushimana was subsequently killed by RPA at Nyanza (a sub-prefecture of Butare) after the genocide, in order to silence a witness of Gatabazi's death.

In response to the killing of Gatabazi, the PSD militants of Butare prefecture, ignoring the psychological operations of the RPF, killed Bucyana Martin, President of CDR (Coalition pour la defense de la Republique) in revenge, believing that their leader was killed by CDR or Habyalimana. The Interahamwe and CDR militia in turn reacted angrily and killed many Tutsi in revenge for the killing of Bucyana. This rapid and violent sequence of events made it clear to Kagame what would happen if he attempted to kill Habyalimana.

Another corroborating example was the death in 1993 of Katumba, one of the Interahamwe leaders, who was shot dead, presumably by the RPF, because the Interahamwe and CDR had killed so many Tutsi of Kigali. This wave of killings should have served as an alarm which could not have gone unnoticed.

Still, the plan of Kagame was to take power in Rwanda regardless of the lives of Tutsi and Hutu moderate which would be lost when the anticipated genocide began. Kagame's choice in 1994 of Pasteur Bizimungu, a Hutu, to be the figurehead President behind whom Kagame could operate secretly, was beneficial to him in helping to bring his plans to fruition without causing international alarm. This process ended for Kagame when Pres. Bizimungu resigned in March 2000, tired of being a show president while the real power was with the nominal Vice-President and Defense Minister, Paul Kagame.


Following the signing of the Arusha Accord by the Habyalimina Government and the RPF in January 1994, a battalion of the RPA was sent to the Parliament, the CND, in Kigali. At the same time, other RPA units secretly infiltrated Kigali in civilian clothes. Concurrently, Maj.-Gen. Kagame sent to Uganda four of his military personnel to be trained in the operation of the Russian-built SA-7 Strela man-portable surface-to-air missile (SAM). This type of missile was already in service with the Ugandan Army.

Given that there was no air threat to the RPA at the time ó because the RPA units were in the center of the common capital city, Kigali, and because the Rwandan Armed Forces of Habyalimana had only a few armed helicopters ó it is clear that the purpose of the training was specifically to shoot down the presidential aircraft of Pres. Habyalimana at the earliest possible opportunity. After training in Uganda, all four RPA troops were returned to Mulindi, the General Headquarters (or High Command) of the RPA in Byumba Prefecture, where they were transferred to the Missile Unity [the term "Unity" normally applies to a three-battalion formation, but not in this case], which was in reality a small missile section commanded by Lieutenant Kayumba Joseph. Kayumba was later known to be living at Kanombe Barracks, in Kigali, and was later been promoted to the rank of Captain.

I was a witness of these events, living at Mulindi, and where Kayumba Joseph and his colleagues were friends of mine.

At the end of February 1994, considering the refusal of Habyalimana to implement the Arusha peace accord, Lt.-Col. Kayonga, then commander of the RPF's Battalion based in the CND, sent a message to Lieutenant Kayumba ordering him to send the four missile-trained military troops to the CND. After receiving that message, Lieutenant Kayumba had immediately sent them to CND without informing Lt.-Col. Kabarebe James, his Commanding Officer. Lt.-Col. Kabarebe imprisoned Lt. Kayumba because of that failure to inform him of the transfer of the four troops.

In March 1994, the RPA's High Command led by Kagame called on the RPF officials based in Kigali to return to Mulindi. Most of them left Kigali for Mulindi. Two weeks before the crash of the Presidential aircraft, Maj.-Gen. Kagame sent Lt.-Col. James Kabarebe to bring the SA-7 surface-to-air missiles to the CND detachment, and to give final instructions related to the new attack against the Rwandese Army forces [FAR] and brief the four soldiers designated to shoot down the aircraft of Habyalimana. Lt.-Col. Kabarebe spent more than one week in CND before returning to Mulindi.

Two RPF leaders, Colonels Kanyarengwe Alexis and Lizinde Theoneste, who had earlier served in the Habyalimana Government, gave information and instructions as to where the missiles should be placed. [Col. Lizinde Theoneste, who later defected, was subsequently assassinated in 1998 by RPF operatives in Nairobi, Kenya, in order to ensure the secrecy of the missile operation.]

The missile locations were at Masaka sector of the Kanombe commune, on the outskirts of Kigali, where aircraft make their final approach before landing.

Two weeks before the Habyalimana's aircraft crash, 12 artillery systems were brought from Uganda, and arrived at our headquaters in Mulindi. In the meantime, our High Command was busy organizing meetings and preparing for the final battle to take control of Kigali. Those who attended the meetings were: Colonels Ndungute, Sam Kaka, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Twahirwa Dodo, Gashumba, Muhire, Mugambage Frank, Ngoga, Bagire, Biseruka, Musitu, and Karemera. Among the lieutenant-colonels were James Kabarebe, Ibingira, Rwahama, Nyamurangwa, Karangwa, Kadhafi, Karera, Gahutu, and others.


Once the preparations to eliminate Pres. Habyalimana were completed, it was necessary to find a reason to force Pres. Habyalimana to travel by aircraft over the area where the missiles were deployed. Given that the missiles were deployed along the approach path to Kanombe Airport at Kigali, it was then only necessary to know the time of the return to Kigali by Pres. Habyalimana's aircraft.

As part of the planning, the leaders of the RPF had been lobbying in friendly countries so that these countries would convince Pres. Mwinyi of Tanzania to organize a regional summit about Burundi's problems, and about the implementation of the Arusha Peace Accords. The RPF insisted that military chiefs also be invited.

The summit was a trap for Habyalimana, giving Kagame a way to take power.

But as part of their prepared attack, Hutu extremists also took that opportunity to exterminate the Tutsi who had been listed days before. Kagame was aware that this would occur, as a response triggered by the death of Habyalimana. The RPF proposed that Rwandan and Burundian military chiefs be invited to the Arusha meeting. The aim of Kagame was that Major-General Nsabimana, the Army Chief of Staff, be killed with Habyalimana so that the leadership of FAR would be destroyed and non-existent. The FAR was already undermined by internal North-South regional dissent. Before the regional meeting was held and chaired by Tanzanian President Hassan Mwinyi, RPF president Alexis Kanyarengwe went to Tanzania and came back to Byumba. On his return, he met us at Rubaya in Byumba where we were in a meeting. He said: "Instead of continuing pushing from outside, it is better to go in and kill the enemy." That is what happened on April 6, 1994.

Before going to Dar-es-Salam Summit, Habyalimana went to see Zaïre [now Democratic Republic of Congo] President Mobutu Sese Seko to seek his participation so that he could support him against leaders of states favorable to RPF. He also asked Pres. Mobutu to provide him (Habyalimana) with intelligence support to check information on the RPF, and about the assassination attempt which the RPF was expected to commit against him. The information was provided by Ngbanda Honore, former security adviser to Pres. Mobutu. He participated to the meeting of the two heads-of-state. Ngbanda was the one who was going to help Habyalimana in analyzing and cross-checking the information related to death threats against Habyalimana. One day before the summit took place, Pres. Mobutu's advisers asked Pres. Mobutu not to go at the summit for security reasons.

RPF soldiers in the CND battalion, and those who had infiltrated in Kigali town before April 6, 1994, had finished war preparation. Other units were ready to attack. Colonel Lizinde Theoneste, RPF Member of Parliament, was an intelligence specialist. He was among RPF officials at the time staying in the CND building and collaborating in the RPF intelligence search about Habyalimana's army operations. Col. Lizinde, as noted above, is the one who recommended Masaka as the perfect site from where to shoot the presidential aircraft.

Col. Lizinde had a public notoriety, was very well known in many ways,and was a friend of mine. After the genocide, he told me many times that he was afraid to be killed one day because of the information he had about the aircraft crash. He told me that if he was killed it would be because of the secret he had about Habyalimana's assassination by Paul Kagame. Lizinde was also a private adviser of Kagame. I knew well about their friendship. Kagame promoted him to the rank of colonel and nominated him as an RPF member of Parliament.

In the end, Lizinde went into exile. Those who followed up his departure in exile, know that two officers have been asked to give explanations. These officers are Lt.-Col. Rwahama of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), who had instruction to watch Lizinde and prevent his escape. The other officer is Lt.-Col. James Kabarebe, a Republican Guard commander. The two have been sanctioned for their lack of vigilance, which helped Lizinde to escape. That is one of the reasons Rwahama has been put aside.

After the departure of Lizinde, the intelligence service sent to me intelligence officers who were, in fact, friends of mine, to check if I knew his escape plan. It is Lizinde who told me that the four soldiers involved in the missiles had left Mulindi for Kigali (CND: Parliament House) in the perspective of presidential aircraft attempt. The four soldiers had been received in CND by Major Rose Kabuye who was in charge of that. Lizinde told me that it was Col. Kabarebe who gave the latest instuctions to shoot Habyalimana's Falcon executive aircraft.

Before April 6, 1994, some RPF high-ranking officers withdrew their families from Kigali. Two weeks before that date, the Colonel James Kabarebe was the one who has been designated by Paul Kagame to convoy the missiles; James Kabarebe was also charged to communicate to those in CND the last instructions in regard to the war. He spent almost one week in CND before he came back to Mulindi.

Because Lizinde was aware of the plot to shoot down the presidential Falcon, on the morning of April 6, 1994, he asked some of his friends to leave Kigali before that night. He told them that it was not for the purpose of peace that James Kabarebe came to Kigali in CND. Colonel Lizinde personally went to bring his own family from Kigali but he did not find them and came immediately back to Mulindi.

The shooting down of the aircraft took place around 20.25 hrs local time. In the aircraft, were President Habyalimana, President Ntaryamira of Burundi, Major-General

Nsabimana, Chief of Rwandan Armed Forces [FAR], Ambassador Renzaho (a senior advisor to Habyalimina), Doctor Akingeneye (the president's personal doctor), and others. At the time of the shooting, I was watching the World Cup football with some of the RPF high-ranking officers, including Major-General Paul Kagame, Colonels Ndugute, Biseruka, and Twahirwa. Immediately after the aircraft crash, Colonel James Kabarebe came into the room where we were watching the football, and took Paul Kagame outside to discuss the matter in private. Soon after, Colonel James Kabarebe called upon Colonel Ndugute and other high-ranking officers for a meeting outside.

The High Command Unit immediately took the decision to attack Kigali that night. This Unit operated under the direct command of Paul Kagame and James Kabarebe. All other RPF Units prepared themselves and launched their attack.


The decision of Paul Kagame to shoot Pres. Habyalimana's aircraft was the catalyst of an unprecedent drama in the Rwandan history, and Major-General Paul Kagame took that decision with all awareness.

Kagame's ambition caused the extermination of all of our families: Tutsis, Hutus and Twas. We all lost. Kagame's take-over took away the lives of a large number of Tutsis and caused the unnecessary exodus of millions of Hutus, many of whom were innocent under the hands of the genocide ringleaders.

Some naïve Rwandans proclaimed Kagame as their savior, but time has demonstrated that it was he who caused our suffering and misfortunes. He has already put under protection some families who had given large amount of money in terms of war contribution, while our ordinary families were left to assaillants of the Interahamwe.

Can Kagame explain to Rwandan people why he sent Claude Dusaidi and Charles Muligande to New York and Washington to stop the UN military intervention which was supposed to be sent and protect the Rwandan people from the genocide? The reason behind avoiding that military intervention was to allow the RPF leadership the takeover of the Kigali Government and to show the world that they ó the RPF ó were the ones who stopped the genocide. We will all remember that the genocide occurred during three months, even though Kagame has said that he was capable of stopping it the first week after the aircraft crash.

Can Major-General Paul Kagame explain why he asked to MINUAR to leave Rwandan soil within hours while the UN was examining the possibility of increasing its troops in Rwanda in order to stop the genocide?

I decided to reveal the truth and only the all truth so that everyone knows what happened. These were the hidden truths and that is why Kagame sent assassins with diplomatic passports to the United States of America to look for me, because he knows that I know who did what.

You may see that some people I mentioned are no longer alive because they were killed by the Kagame's death squads. Now, the world should start to ask questions, how and why such and such person was eliminated outside and inside Rwanda in suspicious way. I ask the International Tribunal to prosecute Major-General Kagame and his clique. As a witness who saw and heard what I have written now, I am ready to prove that Major-General Paul Kagame is guilty of the aircraft crash crime. I will give other proof which I hold later, in order to not undermine the inquiry.


The genocidal Hutus who killed defenseless Tutsis and other revisionists and extremist groups should not use this testimony to deny the existence of the genocide against the Tutsis and think that Kagame's crime against the President Habyalimana entitled them to kill Tutsis. Those responsible for the genocide of 1994 must be prosecuted according to international and national law.

I ask all Rwandans to isolate Paul Kagame. I ask the International Justice community to accomplish its responsibility in that matter. Furthermore, Kagame must be prosecuted for the assassination of Kabera Assiel, the former presidential advisor; Seth Sendashonga, the former Interior minister; Theoneste Lizinde, a former high-ranking official; Felicien Gatabazi, a former political leader; other former high-profile figures in the leadership of the RPF, and others.

The International Community did not know that Kagame does not have the capability to unite the Rwandan people. The world community welcomed him and gave him support. It must know now, once and for all, that such a criminal, whoever is, will never be able to unite the Rwandan people.

Jean-Pierre Mugabe: Given by my hand, in Washington DC, this 21st Day of April, 2000.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ni byiza ko abanyarwanda benshi bashaka kandi bakeneye kumenya ibyabereye mu Rwanda rwacu ndetse bamwe bashobora gufata nk'amateka aliko abadutegetse n'abadutegeka ubu bafashe nk'ubwiru babimenya neza.
Ingoma z'abatutsi n'iz'abahutu zakulikiranye zagiye zigira ubwiru bukabije. Bakabwira rubanda ibinyoma ku byabaye aliko nyuma inkuru y'impamo ku byabaye ikagenda imenyekana.
Ibyo mbagezaho mba nabikoranye ubushakashatsi busaba ubwitonzi n'ubushishozi kuko mu Rwanda kutavugisha ukuli byateye abanyarwanda barema inkuru ku byabaye twebwe ubu twita ibihuha.
Mu bushakashatsi nkora rero nshobora kumenya icyali ubwiru n'icyali igihuha.
Ndasaba abakunda amateka kumfasha gushakisha ubwiru abategetsi baduhishe kuva ku mwami Musinga agwa ishyanga kugera kuli Kanyarengwe wapfuye adatatse.

Ibyo ingoma ntutsi yahishe ku rupfu rwa Rudahigwa:
Umwami Rudahigwa yatonganye cyane na bamwe mu byegera bye ku italiki ya 20 y'ukwa karindwi 1959 . Ababiligi bali bamaze kumwemeza ko hagomba kubaho abashefu b'abahutu byanga bikunda. Rudahigwa ubwo yykoresheje inama abashefu b´abatutsi i Kigali bamutera utwatsi barara muli yegere yegere bulinda bucya. Bwakeye ali umunsi mukuru w'ababiligi hagomba kuba ibiroli aliko icyo rubanda babonye neza ni uko umwami yabuze hakabura utangiza ibiroli. Résident abonye umwami ataje ahita atangiza ibiroli. Umwami yaje kuza saa saba imikino igeze hagati, résident yarakaye yanga no kumuhagurukira imbaga y'abantu yari iri aho igwa mu kantu aliko baraceceka.
Ibyegera bya Rudahigwa by´abatutsi byari byamubujije gusinzira nibwo byamugambaniye ku babiligi. Bigera ndetse naho bashakisha uwaba umwami agasimbura Rudahigwa. Amajwi agwa kuli Lazaro Ndazaro kuko ali we abazungu babonaga ko azi ubwenge avuga n'igifaransa neza.
Aliko kugirango umwami yimikwe ni uko uliho atanga (meurt). Umwami rero Rudahigwa yagombaga gutanga kuko byihutirwaga.
Ikibazo cyabaye rero ni uko umwami Rudahigwa hali uwaje kubimubwira le 23 z'ukwa kalindwi 1959 ku mugoroba.
Aliko uwamubuliye wari n'umushoferi we bagomba muli iryo joro barahise bitaba Imana bombi bishwe n´ibyo byegera bya Rudahigwa. Amaze kwicwa, umurambo w´umwami Rudahigwa wajyannywe i Bujumbura i Burundi.
Ni ukuri ko RUDAHIGWA YAPFILIYE MU RWANDA, gusa ubwiru butaramenyekana neza, ni uko yaba yarishwe n'abashefu b´abatutsi (thèse très probable) cyangwa n'abazungu.
Bukeye bwaho ingoma karinga yaravuze bavuga ko umwami yatanze akagwa i Bujumbura babeshya nyine nkuko nabivuze hejuru, dore ko ikinyoma cyahawe intebe muri iyo ngoma ntutsi.

Umurambo wagarutse mu Rwanda igihe kigeze cyo kuwushyingura ntawali uzi umwami wimikwa uwo aliwe.
Abatutsi bashyigikiye Lazaro Ndazaro bali biteguye ko abazungu baza kubafasha gushyiraho umwami aliko barinze bagera ku mva ntawari washobora kuganira n'ababiligi uko biri bugende.
Hagati aho aliko umulyango w'umwami wali wihutiye gutegura Ndahindurwa Jean Baptiste wali umukarani i Butare kuba umwami. Haje kuba ikibazo cyo kubona umwiru wo kwumwimika kuko Chef Rwampungu yali yarabyaye umuhungu umwe witwaga Kirenga aliko wali ikigoryi ijana ku ijana. Bapfuye guhitamo umusore wari waravutse ku muja w'umuhutukazi witwaga Kayumba wali wararerewe kwa Rampungu ku bulyo bakekaga ko yali uwe.
Umubiligi Résident amaze kurakara babuze uko bahamba umwami yahise ategeka ko bamuhamba bidatinze umwami bakazaba bamushaka bitonze.
Nibwo umulyango wa Rudahigwa wategetse Chef Kayumba kurangurura ijwi muli ako kamwanya ati" Umwami ni Kigeli Ndahindurwa wa Gatanu"
Abenshi bakoma mu mashyi abandi bagwa mu kantu. Rudahigwa baramushyingura.

Abatutsi bamenye iby´urupfu rwa Rudahigwa banze guhunga muri 1959:
Iyi niyo mpamvu abantu baturuka ku mwami Rudahigwa abahunze u Rwanda muli 1959 ali BAKE CYANE. Urugero ni umwamikazi Gicanda utaligeze ahunga kuko yali azi abatutsi bamwiciye umugabo adashaka guhungana nabo.
Murumuna wa Rudahigwa witwaga Rwigemera na barumuna be bose ntawigeze ahunga basaziye mu Rwanda. Abandi nabo bumvaga bashyigikiye Rudahigwa ko akwiye gushyiraho aba chefs b´abahutu nabo abenshi ntibahunze, bihamaniye n´abahutu mu Rwanda nyuma ya révolution yo muri 1959

Abiru n´aba chefs b´abatutsi bali bisunze Lazaro Ndazaro nibo bateye muri 1990:
Abo bategetsi ba batutsi b´abahezanguni bari bashyigikiye Lazaro ngo atanashyiraho aba chefs b´abahutu bahunze ubutegetsi bw'abahutu ali benshi akaba ali nabo bateguye intambara yo muri 1990, igihe bo ubwabo bari batsinzwe bwa nyuma muri 1967 muri bya bitero bakoreraga ingoma mhutu ya Kayibanda Gerigora biyita inyenzi, aba nibo bohereje abahungu babo kugaruka balimbura imbaga batarobanuye muri iyi ntambara inkotanyi zatangiye le 01.10.1990.
Abatutsi bavuye mu Rwanda bagiye gufasha RPF kurwana bahagiliye akaga kuko uwibeshyaga agakora agakosa gato bahitaga bamukekaho ubugambanyi. Habaye igihe abavuye Buganda babwiraga abavuye i Rwanda ko batabashira amakenga kubera ko babanye n'abahutu ndetse bakanashyingirana nabo kandi muzi ko nubu mbabwira ibi ariko ibintu bikimeze. Abasore benshi b´abatutsi basize agatwe kabo mu mashyamba babakekaho ubuhutu cyangwa ubutasi.Ibi byavuzweho byinshi na ba Ruzibiza ndetse n´abo tuganira hano i Kigali barokotse ubwo bwicanyi bakorerwaga kandi bagiye mu ishyamba gufasha Kagame na RPF ye.
Nguko uko abatutsi bahunze bateye muli 1990 bafite umujinya w'umurandurambaga batuma abahutu b'intagondwa n'abahezanguni (ibi bari babisangiye nizo nkotanyi) bahinduka intarumikwa n'abandi interahamwe.

Maze nguko uko abahutu n'abatutsi balimbuye imbaga y'abanyarwanda na n'ubu bikaba bikili ubwiru.
Byose babigize ubwiru, cyangwa amabanga none mumfashe ducukumbure tumenye n'impamvu bahisha ukuli dore murabona ibinyoma aho bigeze u Rwanda.

Ubutegetsi bwa FPR bushingiye kuri ibi binyoma birimo ubwiru bigomba kurandurwa n´imizi yabwo yose mbere y´ubwiyunge, kugirango bube bushingiye ku kuri, ndetse bikaba ngombwa ko habaho "Comité Vérité et Réconciliation" nka ya yindi ya Desmond TUTU wo muri South Africa, ibi bikaba mu rwego rwa "Dialogue Inter-Rwandais hautement inclusif".

Rugerinyange Charles

Monday, March 05, 2007


Nitwa Kagiraneza Deus . Ninjiye mu gisirikare cya FPR-INKOTANYI mu
cy'intambara ya 1990 . Nashinzwe cyane cyane imilimo yo kuneka muri
(Directorate of Military Intelligence ), nyuma nza kuba Perefe
w'agateganyo wa Ruhengeri , bukeye mba Depite uhagarariye FPR
nsubira mu milimo ya gisirikare . Ubu nkaba ndi impunzi mu Bubiligi.
milimo nagiye nkora nabonye byinshi , cyane cyane ubwicanyi
bwakorwaga na
DMI kuva tukili mw'ishyamba na nyuma y'aho dufatiye Leta


Abasore bazaga batabaye baturuka i Burundi , mu Rwanda no muri Zaïre
bishwemo benshi bazira gukekwaho ubutasi cyangwa se ubuhutu cyane
mu bavaga mu Rwanda . Abana bamwe bazize ko bari barize kuko bamwe
bayoboraga ingabo batinyaga ko amaherezo abo bana baje nyuma
bashoboraga kuzategeka igisirikare. Abakekwaga baratoranywaga
muri DMI , noneho bagahatwa ibibazo ku butasi cyangwa ubuhutu babaga
bashinjwa . Icyemezo cyamaraga gufatwa , bakicishwa agafuni kubera
urusaku rw'imbunda mu karere twabaga twihishemo ariko cyane cyane
ugukorera mw'ibanga kugira ngo na bagenzi babo batamenya irengero

Abayoboraga DMI mur'icyo gihe ni aba :

1.. KAYUMBA NYAMWASA (ubu ni Général Major akaba Chef d'état-major
Ingabo )
2.. RWAHAMA Jackson (ubu ni Lieutenant Colonel akaba ayobora Urukiko
gisirikare )
3.. NZIZA Jack (ubu ni Lieutenant Colonel akaba ategeka DMI )
4.. MUNYUZA Dani (ubu ni Major )
5.. NZABAMWITA Joseph (ubu ni Major akaba umwe mu bayobozi ba
Auditorat militaire ishinzwe gushinja abasirikare imbere y'inkiko )
6.. MUPENZI Jean Jacques (ubu ni Major akaba yarayoboraga iperereza
Gendarmerie mu minsi ishize)
Aba bose ni abanyarwanda baturutse muri Uganda dore ko ari bo batoni
bakaba ari bo bayobora igisirikare kuva mw'ishyamba kugeza ubu.
b'abatutsi twiciraga muri Training Wing i Gishuro muri Byumba
Major Dani Munyuza na Lt.Col. Jackson Rwahama . Ibyo kandi
muri DMI honyine kuko no muri za Unités , abana baturukaga mu bihugu
bivuga igifaransa cyane cyane ababaga barize
(babitaga "intellectuals" mu
buryo bwo kubannyega) batotezwaga ndetse haboneka urwitwazo
bakicwa .
Byageze aho abana baturukaga i Burundi batoroka basubira iwabo ari
benshi cyane . Ababyeyi babo bagombye kohereza intumwa ku rugamba
niba ibyo babaga babwiwe n'abo bana byari ukuri . Icyo gihe , Kagame
yarabahumurije bya nyirarureshwa ariko nta muyobozi w'ingabo n'umwe
wigeze ahanirwa ibyo bikorwa .


Twahawe inshingano zo kwikiza abantu bose bakekwagaho kutavuga rumwe
FPR duhereye ku bahutu. Ibyo byarabaye mu Ruhengeri aho nategekaga
Perefe kandi no mu zindi préfectures ni ko byagendaga mur'icyo gihe
ahenshi hategekwaga n'abasirikare. Byaragaragaye i Gitarama aho
Perefe Major
SEWANYANA yajugunyaga imirambo y'abahutu mu byobo byari i Kabgayi.
Byaragaragaye kandi i Butare aho Perefe Major ZIGIRA yicishije
abahutu i
Save no ku Kabutare . Ibi byose twabikoranaga n'abayobozi b'Ingabo.
IBINGIRA azabazwe abo yagiye yica inzira yose aho ingabo yayoboraga
zanyuze kuva Kibungo, Bugesera, Butare na Gikongoro. Azabazwe kandi
iby'amahano yabereye i Kibeho mu nkambi z'impunzi. Vuba aha muri
abasirikare b'abatutsi b'abanyiginya bageze kuri 70 biciwe i Nasho
Kibungo. Abo bazabazwe Col. BAGABO (ikimuga cy'imbago cyari Chef
d'état-major adjoint wa Gendarmerie mu minsi ishize ubu kikaba
Urukiko rukuru rwa gisirikare) na Major ZIGIRA John utegeka Military


Kubera ayo mahano yose yakozwe kandi amwe muri yo nkaba narayagizemo
uruhare mbitegetswe n'abari bankuriye , nafashe icyemezo cyo guhunga
butegetsi bubi bw'i Kigali nkaba nsabye imbabazi ku byo nakoze kandi
niteguye gutanga ibisobanuro birambuye ndamutse mbisabwe. Nifatanije
n'Abanyarwanda bose bafite umutima ukunda igihugu biyemeje guhirika
ingoma y'amaraso ya Général Major KAGAME Paul.


Friday, March 02, 2007

Bimensuel (Ikinyamakuru gisohoka kabiri mu kwezi) No 42 / 2007
Yo kuva kuwa 16 Gashyantare kugera kuwa 28 Gashyantare 2007
Inama y’Ubwanditsi :
- Éditeur Responsable……… : « I I B »
- Directeur de Publication…. : Mutiganda Benoît
- Rédacteur en chef.. ……….. : Karasanyi Clément
- Secrétaire de Rédaction.. : Mukantwari Victoria

E-mail :
Home page :
Ibikubiyemo: Urupapuro

1. Ijambo ry’ibanze :
- Dushyire imigambi mu bikorwa….. .……………………..…...…….2

2. Amakuru y’Ingabo:
- Muri Rutshuru haravugwa imirwano……………………………..…3

3. Politiki :
- Kuki amahanga aseta ibirenge mu gukuraho Kagame….………....5

4. Umutekano:
- Ineko za FPR ziraca igikuba muri rubanda……………………....….7

5. Ubukungu n’imibereho y’abaturage:
- Tubyare abo dushobye kurera................................................................8


Dushyire imigambi mu bikorwa


Umuco wo guhiga si uwa none muri kamere-nyarwanda, ikibazo ariko si uguhiga, ahubwo ni uguhigura umuhigo. Iyo umuntu ahiguye umuhigo yitwa umugabo, intwari, ingenzi, cyangwa se imena bitewe n’uburyo acyuyemo umuhigo we. Intego ntiyagombye guhera mu magambo gusa kuko baca umugani ngo “ kora ndebe iruta vuga numve”.
Kuva mu Kwakira 1990, hano iwacu hatangiye urugamba rw’imihigo. FPR yahigiye guhirika ubutegetsi bwa Habyarimana, ibigeraho nyuma y’imyaka ine. Imihigo yayo ariko ntiyagarukiye aho kuko yahigiye na n’ubu kuzamaraho abo yita interahamwe itajya itandukanya n’Abahutu muri rusange.
FPR yesheje umuhigo wayo wa mbere igarika ingogo, igihugu gicura imiborogo maze ijambagira mu muvu w’amaraso yari imaze kumena ifata ubutegetsi. Nyuma y’ayo mahano yatewe na FPR, hari abandi bahigiye kuzayivuna. Ariko uko bisa n’ibigaragara ubu, abo biyita abatavuga rumwe na FPR iri ku butegetsi, imihigo yabo isa n’aho yaheze mumagambo gusa bityo ibyo bijeje abaturage barembejwe n’igitugu bikomeje kuba inzozi nkuko FPR yirirwa ibivuguruza. Usanga Kagame asa nuvuga ati: “urusaku rw’igikeri ntirubuza imbogo gushoka”.
Haribazwa niba kudahigurira abaturage imihigo kw’iriya mitwe ya politiki irwanya ubutgetsi bwa FPR, ari ukuba idafite icyo iharanira, irwanira nk’uko FPR ikunda kubishongoraho ibibabwira, cyangwa se niba ari intege nke. Bibaye ari ukutagira icyo irwanira kubera ko FPR yaba ibatanguranwa igakora ibyo bayirega, bagombye kuyoboka, bagacisha make, ndetse ahubwo nk’uko FPR ihora ibivuga, abari hanze bagafata inzira itahuka mu rwababyaye.
Niba kutagera ku muhigo wabo ari ingufu nke kandi, umuntu yakwibaza impamvu batishyira hamwwe, ngo begeranye imbaraga maze barwanye kandi bahirike ingoma y’igitugu.
Kwishyira hamwe byifuzwa n’Abanyarwanda bakeneye ubwisanzure si turiya tudumbi dumbi twa hato nahato, kuko bisa n’ibigaragara ko hari abakivuga bati bariya bo ntitwakorana, bivuga ko hari abumva baheza abandi mu ntambara yo kubohoza igihugu nkaho bo ubwabo bonyine bafite umuti w’ikibazo cy’u Rwanda.
Byaba bibabaje rero kubona nyuma y’imyaka cumi n’itatu, abantu basangiye kuba barahunze ingoma y’igitugu, nkoramaraso, ingoma ikora nk’incancuro, ikandamiza abaturage, yica kandi ikanafungira ubusa, ingoma yigize mpatsibihugu hano mu karere k’ibiyaga bigari, batashobora kwishyira hamwe bose kugira ngo bayihirike.
Niba kudashyira hamwe ari ukubera kumva batazashobora kugabana imyanya y’ubuyobozi bw’igihugu, bagombye kumva ko nta mwanya mubi ubaho igihe uri mu butegetsi wishimiye kandi bwashyizweho n’abaturage.
U Rwanda rwabohotse ruzaba rufite abayobozi batari ba Rutemayeze.

Ntabwo imyanya yagombye kuba inzitizi, kuko abababara benshi bo nta myanya bakeneye, bakeneye amahoro no kwishyira bakizana mu rwababyaye, aho kubaho bugaruzwamuheto, cyangwa birirwa bitwa impunzi hirya no hino.
Abahigiye kuzakuraho FPR, abiyemeje kuzana ubwisanzure, guharanira ubwiyunge n’ubutabera mu bana b’u Rwanda, abafashe ingamba zo kurwanya akarengane n’ubusumbane, niba kanguke bashyire imvugo mu ngiro, maze bazitwe abagabo b’intwari ubwo igihugu cyose kizaba gihumeka ituze n’umunezero.


Muri Rutshuru haravugwa imirwano

Banzana Jacques

Imirwano hagati y’ingabo za Général Nkundabatware n’iza FDLR mu karere ka Rutshuro ikomeje guhitana inzirakarengane no gukura abaturage benshi mu byabo. Izo ngabo ziyitirira ko ari iz’ubutegetsi bw’i Kinshasa kandi zikavugirwa n’umuvugizi w’ishyaka rya Nkundabatware ryitwa CNDP, zikomeje gushotorana.
Iyo urebye impamvu nyazo zateje iyo ntambara igiye kumara hafi ibyumweru bitatu, usanga ari ikimenyetso gikomeye kigaragaza ko kariya karere kadateze kugira amahoro igihe cyose mu Rwanda hakiri buriya butegetsi bwa FPR.
Aho FPR/APR ifatiye ubutegetsi mu Rwanda muri Nyakanga 1994, impunzi nyinshi zahungiye mu burasirazuba bw’icyahoze ari Zaire, cyaje guhinduka Congo aho AFDL na APR bahirikiye Marchal Mobutu Sese Seko.
Mu mugambi mubisha kandi muremure wavuyemo guhirika Mobutu no gutsemba impunzi z’abahutu, byaragaragaye ko nta bapfira gushira koko. Igihe amasasu, amacumu n’imipanga, inzara n’indwara, inzuzi n’imigezi byarimo byivugana benshi mu mpunzi zarimo zizerera mu mashyamba guhera mu burasirazuba kugeza mu burengero bwa Congo, hari impunzi zagize amahirwe zishobora kwihisha hariya mu mashyamba ya Masisi na Rutshuru.
Izo mpunzi rero nizo zagerageje kwisuganya kugira ngo zirengere zidashira. Uko kwisuganya kwateye FPR/APR ubwoba, kugeza ubwo izo nkoramaraso za FPR zifashe umugambi wo gusubira muri Congo kuzitsemba burundu mu kwezi kwa Kanama 1998. Amahirwe yazo, APR yazitaye ku irembo ry’u Rwanda hariya za Masisi na Rutshuru, maze ijya kuzishakira i Kinshasa, Kitona, Mbanzangungu, Mbujimayi, Kisangani, na Lubumbashi na za Kamina.
Nyuma y’icyo gikorwa cy’urukozasoni amahanga yari yahaye umugisha, akeka ko ikibazo cy’abahutu kigiye kurangira burundu, byaje kugaragara ko icyajyanye FPR muri Congo kwari ugusahura yitwaje ngo kurangiza ikibazo cy’impunzi z’abahutu burundu. Ayo mahanga yasanze atari ngombwa ko Kagame akomeza kubuza Congo uburyo, maze amutegeka kuyivamo shishi itabona. Ubwo yavaga muri Congo rwagati, hirya iriya, nibwo yibutse ko yari afite abamwugarije hariya hafi, ubwo yihererana icyari RCD-Goma, ati n’ubwo tubeshye ko tugiye bwose, turabasigira ingabo nkeya ariko namwe muhatubere.
Nguko uko Serufuri Ngayabaseka Eugène yasigariyeho Kagame hariya muri Kivu y’amajyaruguru.
Ariko uko iminsi yagiye ishira indi igataha niko byagiye bigaragara ko Serufuri atagishoboye guhagararira inyungu z’u Rwanda hariya muri Nord Kivu. Uko kunanirwa kwa Serufuri kwakomeje gutera ubwoba FPR, cyane ko no muri Kivu y’amajyepfo itari ikihafite ingufu kuva aho Masunzu acungurije umutima ubwenge akemera gukorana n’ubutegetsi bw’i Kinshasa. Icyo gikorwa cya kigabo Masunzu yari akoze cyamuviriyemo kwangwa urunuka na Kagame, maze amutereza bene wabo barimo uwitwa Nyamushebwa, ntibyagira icyo bitanga, none ubu ni Major Rugunda. Ndetse byageze ubwo FPR ishaka kongera kwigarurira Bukavu ikoresheje Nkundabatware na Mutebutsi muri Mata 2004, ariko amahanga n’Abanyabukavu barahaguruka barabyamagana.
Kagame rero yabonye ibyo gucunga akarere ka Kivu y’amajyepfo bitakimworoheye cyane, ahitamo kutakitaho, bitavuga ariko ko yahihoreye. Iyo urebye imbogamizi karemano, ikiyaga cya Kivu, umugezi wa Rusizi, ishyamba rya Nyungwe ritagira ibiryo, ndetse n’akarere karikikije karangwa n’inzara idashira, ukongeraho ko n’ubutegetsi bw’i Burundi ari inshuti za FPR, usanga ibyo bihagije ngo FPR/APR itagirira impungenge nyinshi ingabo za FDLR ziri muri kariya gace.
Akarere ka Kivu y’amajyaruguru ko gafite umwihariko mu miterere yako ku buryo, uretse no kugahozaho ijisho, FPR/APR bidateze kukavamo. Iyo mpamvu niyo yatumye Kagame ashyiraho uriya Nkundabatware ngo ahamubere. Ibyo ntawabitindaho cyane iyo yibutse ko bimwe mu byo Général Nkundabatware yasabye kugira ngo yemere guhagarika imirwano, harimo guhabwa imbunda kandi akaguma muri kariya gace, kugira ngo abone uko acyura ingabo za FDLR nk’aho ariwe usimbuye ingabo za Congo FARDC kuri iyo nshingano. Ibyo kandi byumvikana neza iyo uriya muvugizi w’ishyaka rya Nkundabatware CNDP, avuga ati FDLR tugomba kuyirwanya ku ngufu kugeza yemeye gutaha cyangwa itsinzwe bya gisirikare. Ayo ni amwe mu magambo Kagame yatangarije i Londres ubwo yahanyuraga umwaka ushize agiye muri Amerika mu nama rusange y’umuryango w’abibumbye ubwo yavuze ati ingabo z’abahutu ziri muri Congo nta mbabazi zikwiye uretse kwemera gutaha zigacibwa uruzikwiye cyangwa zigatsindwa ruhenu mu rwego rwa gisirikari (être anéantis militairement).
Ariko kandi nk’uko bamwe bakunda kubivuga, ntabwo ingufu za gisirikari arizo zizarangiza kiriya kibazo cy’ingabo muri kariya karere. Niyo washyiraho ingufu zirenga izakoreshejwe i TollahBorah muri Afganistan, izikoreshwa muri Irak, izikoreshwa muri Palestine, cyangwa se izakoreshejwe ubwo SADC yose yari inyuma ya APR na AFDL mu gusenya inkambi no kwirukana ingabo za Mobutu, ntabwo ikibazo cyaba kirangiye. Erega burya ntabapfira gushira. Ahubwo umuntu yakwibaza impamvu APR/FPR banga gushyikirana na bariya bantu bayoboye ziriya ngabo haba muri Politiki cyangwa mu gisirikare. Niba se APR ifite abasirikari hafi ibihumbi 70, kuki yatinya kwakira ibihumbi hafi 15, aho buri ngabo ivuye muri FDLR yaba iri hamwe n’eshanu za APR. None se umwe kuri batanu yakagize ubutwari ndetse n’icengezamatwara rihambaye azanesha batanu ba APR ?
Ubundi bwo rero, ntabwo biriya bitero by’ingabo za CNDP ku ngabo za FDLR ubu bigamije kurangiza ubutumwa zahawe na Kagame muri iki gihe, kuko nta ngufu zifite, kandi ngo imirimo ibiri yananiye impyisi. CNDP igamije kureba niba ubutegetsi bwa Kinshasa buzubahiriza ibyo bwasinyiye maze bukabaha intwaro zo kurwanya FDLR. Ese ahubwo ntabwo Kinshasa yibaza uko bizagenda nimara gutanga izo ntwaro ariko inshingano zo gucyura FDLR ntizigerweho. Izasubira inyuma se yake CNDP intwaro izaba yayihaye ? Ntabwo se babona ko izo ntwaro arizo kuzafata Kivu bagamije kwigenga nk’uko biri mu mugambi wabo muremure,
batarazibukira kugeza uyu munsi.
Uko biri kose izo ngabo nazo si agafu k’ivugwa rimwe. Kwirengera zirengera n’impunzi ni inshingano zidashobora gutezukaho na rimwe.


Kuki amahanga aseta ibirenge mu
gukuraho Kagame.

Mutiganda Benoit

Kuva tariki ya kabiri Kanama 1998; ubwo Kagame yagaba igitero i Kinshasa ngo agamije kuhazana demokarasi, iryo shozwa ry’imirwano rikaba ryaraguyemo miliyoni zirenga enye z’Abakongomani, amwe mu mahanga atari azi neza cyangwa yari yaribeshye ku mpamvu nyayo yatumye FPR igaba ibitero mu Rwanda ku ya mbere Ukwakira 1990, ayo mahanga yatangiye kwibaza no gushaka icyakorwa ngo iriya nkoramaraso yigize Karwanyi ka Mpatsibihugu hano mu karere k’ibiyaga bigari, ikurwe ku butegetsi kugira ngo amahoro ahinde.
Mu mpera z’Ukwakira 2001, nyuma gato y’uko Perezida Géorges Bush wa Amerika amutumijeho ikitaraganya akamutegeka gukura ingabo muri Congo, byabaye nko guhumbya kuko Kagame yagarutse agasanga izambere Kabarebe yazigejeje i Kanombe, izindi zibyiganira ku mupaka ku Gisenyi. Icyo gikorwa cyagaragaje ko Kagame akangika kandi ko yakandika n’ubwo ingabo ze zose zitavuye muri Congo nk’uko yari yabitegetswe.
Nyuma Kagame yakomeje kurambirana imbere y’amahanga ndetse n’imbere y’Abanyarwanda. Byaragaragaye ubwo yajyaga muri Canada akarinda avayo nta mutegetsi ukomeye w’icyo gihugu umwakiye. Abanyarwanda baba muri icyo gihugu bo bamwakije amagi n’induru ataha azinze umunya, ndetse biza kuviramo bamwe mu bakozi ba Ambasade y’u Rwanda muri Canada kwirukanwa no gufungwa.
Kagame amaze kubona iryo somo ryo muri Canada, yahamagajwe hutihuti muri Amerika. Ubwo yagarukaga i Kigali, bamwe mubisonga bye bari bateguye ku mwivugana maze, abarindangoma be bamubuza kunyura ku kibuga cya Kanombe. Ubwo yifatira iy’i Bujumbura aho yavuye n’imodoka ataha i Kigali. Yageze i Kigali yikoma Abanyiginya karahava. Uwitwa Karegeya Patrick atabwa mabuso kugeza magingo aya, Kayumba Nyamwasa ahungira i New Dheli mu Buhindi.
Kuva aho umucamanza w’umufaransa bwana Jean Louis Bruguiere atangarije impapuro mpuzamahanga zo gufata bimwe mu bisonga icyenda bya Kagame, ndetse akanasaba umunyamabanga mukuru wa Loni ko yategeka Arusha gufata Kagame, kubera icyaha cy’iterabwoba bakoze ku ya 6 Mata 1994, ubwo bahanuraga indege yari itwaye Perezida Habyarimana Juvenal na mugenzi we w’u Burundi Ntaryamira Cyprien, bagapfiramo hamwe n’abari babaherekeje bose ndetse n’Abapilote batatu b’Abafansa batwaraga iyo ndege, icyo gikorwa cy’iterabwoba akaba aricyo cyabaye intandaro y’ubwicanyi bwakurikiyeho, biragaragara ko Kagame atataye ingufu gusa, ahubwo ararashya imigeri.
Ariko nk’uko hari Abanyarwanda bashaka kumuhorahoza bikanga nk’uko byari bibaye ku ya 17 Mutarama hariya hafi ya Kinyinya, ku ruhande rw’amahanga yo urasanga asa nagira ati “Uwaba aretse”. Impamvu y’uko guseta ibirenge kw’amahanga mu gukuraho Kagame si ukumutinya cyangwa ku mukunda, ahubwo ntibarabona uwamusimbura ku butegetsi, akaba umuhuza nyawe koko maze amahoro agahinda mu Rwanda ndetse no mu karere kose. Kuba yavaho igihugu kikongera kugwa mu icuraburindi, si byo batinya cyane kuko n’ubundi kumugumishaho igihe kirekire bizateza irindi shyano risumbijeho kuba ribi.
Iyo urebye neza usanga hataraboneka uwasimbura Kagame hano mu gihugu ndetse n’abari hanze. Nta n’umwe muri bariya icyenda basangiye ubufatanyacyaha nawe wamusimbura. Si Tito Rutaremara na Muligande Karoli bazwiho ubutagondwa bwabasabye imitima bukabasesekara ku minwa no mu bikorwa. Si Musoni Protais, Vincent Biruta, Anastase Makuza, Alfred Musangamfura, cyangwa se abandi tutarondoye aha, kuko bose utaregwa ubwicanyi bwakorewe abahutu, araregwa ubwakorewe abatutsi, bityo akaba nta n’umwe muri bo waba umuhuza w’Abanyarwanda.
Mu bari hanze bari mu mitwe ya politiki itavuga rumwe na FPR iri ku butegtsi, usanga nabo niyo hazanagira uwabonekamo, magingo aya nta n’umwe waba yiteguye gusimbura Kagame. Mu bari hanze twavugamo nka ba Bwana Paul Rusesabagina, JMV Higiro, Ignace Murwanashyaka, Déogratias Mushayidi, Général de Brigade Habyarimana, Madame Ingabire Victoire ndetse hari n’umwami Kigeli V Ndahindurwa, yewe n’abandi benshi. Abo bose rero n’ubwo usanga bafite imigambi myiza kandi baka bagerageza kuyishyira mu bikorwa, usanga nta n’umwe uragaragaza ko yaba umuhuza w’Abanyarwanda igihe cyose hakiri turiya tudumbi dumbi tw’amashyaka kandi yose arwanya ubutegetsi bumwe; ahubwo ugasanga bari gusigana ngo hatagira utanga undi gufata ubutegetsi! Ntabwo rero ifu iseye. Iyo ubajije kandi usanga nta n’umwe muri abo bari hanze, amahanga ararambikaho ibiganza ngo amuhe imigisha, amutorere kuzayobora Abanyarwanda.
Hari uwabaza ati ese ni ngombwa ko amahanga ariyo adutorera buri gihe uzatuyobora. Yego kandi Oya. Yego kubera ko twe ubwacu bisa
n’ibyatunaniye. Kagame ntaranarangiza manda ye ya mbere, kandi ejobundi twamutoye 95%. None uretse no kurambirana amaze gutera iseseme. Muri ibi bihe nta n’ubwo dushoboye kwihereza imihanda nka ziriya ntwari zo muri Guinée kwa Général Lansana Konté zimugeze ahamanuka kandi bigaragara ko zamuvanye ku izima. Twaba se dutegereje ko Kagame abanza kuba umusaza rukukuri? Kugeza ubu tuzi gushoka imihanda ngo turereka Kagame ko tumushyigikiye twamagana Louis Bruguiere. Nyamara twamara gutaha tugeze aho twihereye, ugasanga turavugira mu ntamatama, ngizo za telephone na za Internet twamagana ubutegetsi bubi kandi tuvuye kubuha ingufu mu muhanda. Ibyo rero amahanga arabidusekera cyane, akabona turi nk’abana, ba bwoba na ba nyamujyiyobijya gusa.
Si ngombwa kandi ko twumva ko buri gihe amahanga ariyo agomba kuduhitiramo umuyobozi kandi dufite ubwigenge mu gihugu cyacu. Ariko rero, none se tuvuge ko ubu dushaka guhindura uwo muco mubi? Twabikora mu buhe buryo? Ko kwigaragambya tutabishoboye, ko urugamba rw’amasasu rutari hafi, amatora nk’ayo twakoze dutora Kagame nayo atagomba kongera kubaho ukundi, twakora iki? Yenda umuntu yavuga ati hakwiye ibiganiro bakunze kwita mu rurimi rw’igifaransa “dialogue inter-rwandais”. Ariko nayo n’ubwo FPR na Kagame batayakozwa, natwe tukaba tugira tuti twashyikirana dute n’abicanyi batararenguka imbere ya sentare? Usanga ibyo biganiro nabyo ubwacu tutabyikorera tudatewe inkunga n’amahanga cyangwa se yo ubwayo atabishatse ngo anabishyigikire.
Gusa ikibazo kikaba none se Kagame ananiwe, tukaba tumurambiwe, amahanga akaba atakimushaka, yasimburwa ate? Yasimburwa na nde?


Ineko za FPR riraca igikuba muri rubanda.

Karasanyi Clement

Kuva havuka umwiryane i kambere muri FPR/APR umwaka ushize, ubwo Colonnel Karegeya Patrick yafatwaga agafungwa, nyuma abamukomokaho, abo bavuganaga bose bakibasirwa n’ineko z’inzego z’umutekano. Na nyuma y’uko Kagame avugiye hano mu gihugu ko hari abakorana n’Abafarasa, ko bazwi kandi ko bagomba gukanirwa urubakwiye. Abantu bakomeje guterwa ubwoba n’ineko za FPR/APR zirirwa zihunahuna ( fouiner leur nez partout) hose ngo zirumviriza no kwinukiriza uwaba ahumeka cyangwa anuka umwuka w’Abafaransa.
Iyo myitwarire y’izo neko irangwa na ndakumvisha, urambona sha, uranzi uwo ndi we, kwihimura, yateye abayobozi benshi guhinduka nk’ibiragi no kutagira abo bizera, ku buryo hari n’uwo ubaza uti ese ubona ingamba wahigiye uzazigeraho ute, ati uzaze ejo kugira ngo abanze amenye niba utari gatumwa.
Telefone z’abatizewe na FPR zose zirumvirizwa, imirongo ya za internet, za fax ndetse n’ubundi buryo bwo gutumanaho byose nta kitanyura mu matwi cyangwa imbere y’amaso y’izonyangabirama za FPR zakuye abantu umutima. Ikigaragara ariko ni uko abantu nabo batangiye kwiga amayeri mashya yo kuvugana kandi bakumvikana.
Uko biri kose FPR/APR ubu imeze nka ya nyamaswa y’inkazi yakomerekejwe n’abahigi ariko ikaba itaravamo umwuka. Inyamaswa nk’iyo n’iyo yumvise akababi kaguye hasi igaba igitero. Ibyo ariko ntibiyiha amahirwe menshi yo kumara igihe kuko mu gushaka kwihora kandi itagifite ingufu, biyisaba n’ubundi gukoresha ingufu nyinshi bityo bikayihuhura vuba. Ubu muri FPR uwarasa ku nkike z’igihugu, nyuma akivugana na Minisitiri umwe ngo urebe ngo induru ziravuga.
FPR rero uko yakanura kose, yibuke ko ingoma y’igitugu ihenuka gitunguro. Nta warushije KGB y’Uburusiya kuneka, ariko uko byagenze mwese murabizi.


Tubyare abo dushoboye kurera

Nziyomaze Fidèle

Iyo turebye ubwiyongere bw’abaturage hano mu gihugu, ndetse wanasoma na raporo y’inama y’igihugu ishinzwe ibya sitatisitiki (statistiques), aho ivuga ko ubwiyongere bw’abaturage bukomeje uko bumeze ubu mu mwaka w’2030, u Rwanda rwazaba rufite abaturage miliyoni 30. N’ubwo baca umugani ngo ahari amahoro uruhu rw’urukwavu rwiyorosa batanu, ariko uriya mubare wazaba ukabije cyane, ku buryo wazateza ubuyobozi ingorane nyinshi cyane. Birazwi kandi ko, uretse mu bihugu byateye imbere cyane, ubwinshi bw’abaturage mu gihugu gikennye nk’u Rwanda ari kimwe mu biteza umutekano muke.
Iki kibazo cy’ubwiyongere bw’abaturage butajyanye n’ubukungu bw’igihugu gihangayikishije ubuyobozi bw’igihugu ariyo mpamvu basa n’aho bashaka kugihagurukira. Nyamara ariko n’ubwo umushinga w’itegeko ryo kutarenza abana batatu kuri buri muryango ukigwa, biragaragara ko ishyirwa mu bikorwa byaryo rizahura n’inzitizi nyinshi.
Muri kamere cyangwa se umuco nyarwanda, kugira abana benshi ni ubukungu no kugira amaboko. Guhindura iyo myumvire rero bizatwara igihe kirekire, cyane cyane ko Abanyarwanda hafi 85% batazi gusoma no kwandika, kandi uburyo bwiza bwo kubicengeza ari ugukoresha inyigisho.
Iyo urebye muri gahunda za leta, ndetse unagereranije n’icyo bise vision 2020, usanga ntaho leta iteganya ibikorwa by’amajyambere bihamye ku byerekeranye n’ubuvuzi, ku buryo n’uwakwemera kubyara bake yazaba afite icyizere ko batazamarwa na malaria cyangwa izindi ndwara zibasira abana bato.
Uretse kandi imyumvire ijyanye n’umuco, hari indi myumvire mishya yatewe n’amateka ya vuba. Ubwicanyi bwabaye mu Rwanda guhera mu Kwakira 1990 kugeza magingo aya. Abantu barapfuye ku buryo nta Munyarwanda n’umwe bitagezeho, byaba ku buryo buziguye cyangwa butaziguye. Iyo mpamvu ituma hari abumva ko bagomba kubyara abasimbura abagiye. Kuri iyo myumvire hiyongeraho iy’ubusumbane mu mibare y’amoko atuye u Rwanda bituma yose atumva kimwe umugambi wo kugabanya imbyaro. Ntabwo wabwira Umutwa ngo abyare bake, kandi azi ko asanzwe ari nyamuke, kandi ku busanzwe badakunda kororoka. Ku buyobozi bwa Habyarimana, ubwo ONAPO yari itangiye ibikorwa byayo, hari Abanyarwanda bamwe babwiraga abandi ngo nibagabanye imbyaro bo ba nyamwinshi. Uko kuri bumvaga gufite ishingiro na n’ubu hari abakikubona gutyo. Ahubwo se none ryaba ari rya ringanizamubare Hutu-Tutsi ryavuzwe na Kagame ryaba rigiye gushyirwa mu bikorwa?
Iyo urebye mu bijyanye n’iyobokamana, usanga hano mu Rwanda hafi abaturage 95% bagendera ku mahame ya gikristu, n’ubwo baba mu madini atandukanye. Ubwo rero bizaba ngombwa ko ayo madini yitangira nayo iyo gahunda. Ariko harimo ibibazo.
Zimwe mu ngamba leta yazafata harimo nko kwemerera abagore gukuramo amada, gufungira urubyaro ku ngufu urengeje batatu, gukoresha agakingirizo, gufunga cyangwa guca ihazabu uzarenza uwo mubare. Inyinshi muri izo ngamba zinyuranye n’amahame ya gikristu ndetse n’amwe mu mategeko arengera ikiremwamuntu. Ibyo bikaba bizatuma amadini amwe n’amwe atazitabira iyo gahunda nk’ uko leta ibyifuza. Bikaba rero bishobora no kuzongera amakimbirane hagati ya leta n’amadini.
Turebye gato ku bijyanye n’idini ya Kisilamu, aho mu mahame yaryo yemerera abantu kugira abagore benshi n’ubwo atari itegeko, umuntu yakwibaza niba ku muyisalamu ufite abagore batatu, azaba yemerewe abana batatu kuri buri mugore cyangwa se umwe umwe kuri buri mugore. Ikindi, ese nk’umukobwa aramutse abyariye iwabo inshuro eshatu, nyuma akaza kushaka umugabo, iryo tegeko rizamubuza kubyarana n’uwo mugabo abandi bana batatu? N’ubwo bigaragara ko hakirimo ibibazo byinshi bizabangamira ishyirwa mu bikorwa bya ririya tegeko, iyo witegereje neza, usanga hari izindi gahunda leta yafashe zuzuye ubugome ariko zigamije kuyifasha kugera ku mugambi wayo.
Icya mbere: kuba kugeza ubu hagifunze abantu barenga ibihumbi ijana muri za gereza kandi bose ari abagabo. Kuba gacaca iteganya gufunga abandi barenze ibihumbi magana arindwi kandi bagahabwa igifungo kitari mu nsi y’imyaka 20. Ubwo rero ukoze imibare usanga mu myaka 23 iri imbere ngo tugere muri 2030, abantu ibihumbi hafi Magana inani bazaba bafunzwe, bazaba bagabanijeho hafi miliyoni eshatu zirenga.
Icya kabiri, iriya gahunda ya leta yo gukomeza gushyira abaturage mu butindi nyakujya, nawo ni umugambi mubisha, kuko ntabwo umuntu azaba yiriwe akorera undi ngo mu gutaha atahane irobo ry’umuceli, hanyuma ngo nagera mu rugo yumve akaneye kubyara kandi n’iyo robo itamuhagije.
Icya gatatu: kongera abadafite akazi aribo bakunze kwita abashomeri. Nabwo ni uburyo leta yahisemo bwo kugabanya imbyaro, kuko ntawaba adafite n’icyo yambara ngo atekereze kubyara uwo atazagaburira, ngo amwambike n’ibindi.
Umushinga wo gukangurira abaturage kubyara abo bashobye kurera ni byiza, ariko duhaguruke twamagane buriya buryo bwuzuye ubugome leta yahisemo bwo kugera ku ntego zayo ihonya bamwe mu Banyarwanda.